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Financial Support

Merit-based and employment opportunities for students in the Department of Chemistry.

Types of Support

The Department of Chemistry offers scholarships, fellowships, and employment opportunities. Scholarships are merit-based and may require that additional criteria be met to qualify for consideration. See the descriptions of each scholarship for those details. Fellowships may be awarded to eligible students who are conducting research as part of their academic training. All eligible Chemistry and Biochemistry majors are automatically considered for departmental scholarship and fellowship awards unless otherwise noted.

Graduate Financial Support

Students in the M.S. program who are in good academic standing are eligible to receive a stipend (and tuition waiver) as either a Teaching Assistant or a Research Assistant. Contact Dr. Andy Mitchell, Graduate Coordinator for current information regarding stipends, including amounts and qualifications.

Students in good academic standing will be supported for four semesters; a fifth semester of support is typically available upon request. A sixth semester of support would be considered only in unusual circumstances.

  • Research Assistantships

    Several Chemistry Department faculty members have supported graduate students working in their labs as research assistants using the more than $2 million in active research grants from the National Science Foundation, the National Institutes of Health, the National Institute of Justice, the Research Corporation, and the American Chemical Society's Petroleum Research Fund.