Our work attracts significant external support from agencies such as the National Science Foundation, the National Institutes of Health, the American Society for Mass Spectrometry, the National Institute of Justice, and the American Chemical Society. Researchers present their findings at prominent venues such as the American Chemical Society National meetings.
Research Support
Learn how we can help support your academic experience.

Chemistry Safety
The Department of Chemistry and the Chemistry Safety Committee provide resources for the chemical and biological health and safety issues.
Faculty Research Interest
At Illinois State University, we embody the teacher-scholar model of education. Learning occurs in the classroom and research spaces while we conduct our scholarly work. Faculty within the Department regularly publish cutting-edge results in high-impact, peer-reviewed journals, frequently with graduate and undergraduate co-authors. Learn more about faculty research interests.

Scholarly activity is supported by an extensive collection of chemical instruments, a machine shop, IT support, the Milner Library, and Illinois State Universty’s numerous professional development opportunities.
Chemistry Resources
Department of Chemistry students, faculty, and staff can find announcements, upcoming events, and a list of journals and resources.